
Life After Death

Spirit World

When you die, your spirit will enter the spirit world and await the resurrection[3]. Death does not change our personality or our desires for good or evil. We will also have a perfect knowledge of all our guilt and uncleanliness, or righteousness[5].The spirit world is a place of waiting, working, learning, and, for the righteous, resting from care and sorrow[4]. Those who chose to obey God in this life will live in a state of happiness and peace - known as spirit paradise[1].  Those who did not, and did not repent will live in a state of unhappiness - known as spirit prison[2].  However, the gospel will be taught to those who did not obey or have the opportunity to hear it while on earth.   
  1. 2 Nephi 9:13
  2. 2 Nephi 9:12
  3. Alma 40:11
  4. Alma 40:12
  5. 2 Nephi 9:14

We all are subject to physical death - the separation of the spirit from the body - because of the Fall.  But because of Christ's atoning sacrifice, all men are saved from physical death and will be resurrected[4]. Jesus Christ broke the bands of death, "so that the sting of death should be swallowed up"[3]. At the time of resurrection, our spirits will be reunited with our bodies to stand before God and be judged[2]. "Every thing shall be restored to its perfect frame" - it will be in a perfect, immortal state, no longer subject to disease or death[1]. When we are resurrected, we will have a "bright recollection of all our guilt"[5].
  1. Alma 11:44-45
  2. Alma 11:41
  3. Alma 22:14
  4. Alma 42:14-15
  5. Alma 11:43
Judgement Day

The final judgement will occur after the resurrection. Each person will stand at the judgement bar to be judged and determined the eternal glory we will receive accordingly[1]. The scriptures teach of three kingdoms of glory—the celestial kingdom, the terrestrial kingdom, and the telestial kingdom. Our choices will determine which kingdom we are prepared for. The celestial kingdom is prepared for those who received a testimony of Jesus Christ, believed on His name, and were baptized. The terrestrial kingdom is prepared for those who rejected the gospel on earth, but received it afterward in the spirit world.  Lastly, the telestial kingdom is prepared for those who did not receive the gospel either on earth or in the spirit world[5].  Then there is Outer Darkness, which is prepared for those who do not have a kingdom of glory.  Those who had a testimony of Jesus Christ, but then let Satan overcome them, and denied the Holy Spirit will go to Outer Darkness. We will be judged for all our doings - our thoughts, our words, and our actions[3]. We will have a perfect recollection of all our guilt and transgressions at the judgement bar[2]. Jesus Christ will be our Eternal Judge. Heavenly Father passed on the judgement to His Son, Jesus Christ[4].

  1. 2 Nephi 9:15
  2. 2 Nephi 9:46
  3. Alma 12:14
  4. John 5:22
  5. D&C 76:50-112